
Hamas denies statements attributed to Khaled Mashal


The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas has denied what was being circulated by movement’s leader abroad Khaled Mashal over the issue of recognition of the occupying Zionist enemy entity.

According to the Palestinian Information Center, what is being circulated about Mashal’s interview with journalist Georges Malbrunot, published in the French newspaper Le Figaro, and related to his question about the issue of recognition of the Zionist entity.

The movement explained that the aforementioned journalist included a set of his personal opinions and private comments in the article, apart from the clear and specific statements of Mashal in which he affirmed his refusal to recognize the Zionist enemy entity, which is contrary to journalistic professionalism.

The movement referred to the content of the original texts stated by Commander Mashal, in which he said: “Our position is clear not to recognize the legitimacy of the occupation, and we took a lesson from the Oslo Accords, when in 1993 the leadership of the PLO recognized “Israel” and did not give it anything in return.”

Mashal stated in the interview that Hamas’ political document in 2017 confirmed the movement’s position in national consensus with the Palestinian factions regarding the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with al-Quds as its capital and the right of return and without recognizing “Israel” as for the issue of the truce, it is negotiable.

resource : Saba