
What can we do?, what can we do?


In wounded Gaza, thousands upon thousands of children and women are killed in very heinous and brutal crimes, and the Israeli enemy is throwing its destructive and lethal bombs on that or that gathering, tearing many of those vulnerable children, women and people to pieces, and charring the bodies of most of them, and some may be injured very large, and some fatal wounds, and no paramedic or rescuer, who are dying until they die, nor from a relief.

Children in Gaza are still suffering from surgeries, their blood spilling, their bodies writhing in pain, their tears shed as they cry in pain, and some die from their empty intestines with the slightest food and food.

Palestinians in Gaza sleep and do not wake up, afraid and do not believe, and disperse and do not meet, and if they gather, the raids of the Zionist enemy disperse their bodies, and mix their blood, do not differentiate between this and that from the charred of their bodies.

The Palestinian people live among the claws of predatory monsters that eat their bone and flesh from all sides, an enemy of the nation that kills it in cold blood, a hypocritical and silent world, and its nation between satisfied and cured by it, extending the bridge of friendship and love to a malignant cancerous gland with its generous support and generosity to continue further in its tyranny and criminality.

And the scholars of her nation adorned them with their bad deeds, they are blinded, immortalized to the earth and followed their whims, in order to ensure their status when the sultans of injustice and who are in full view of the world agents of the enemies of the nation, like them as God mentioned it in his dear book like a dog if you carry it panting or leave it panting, seducers working to domesticate and mislead the nation, employ scientific titles in religious sciences to serve the enemies of the nation.

The peoples of its nation with all its sects, affiliations and parties stand dull, rigid and cold, do not count them only among the dead at the level of awareness and perception, consciences died, feelings dulled and hearts hardened, and hearts were petrified, so there is no longer any longer for them, not even the feelings and feelings of humanity.

Some may stand at a loss and do not know where to go? And what does it do? And what should he do? There is no doubt that of those who are attracted by demons they are confused, in their confusion they flounder.

One of these crimes is a big, bloody and very painful scene, and it is repeated daily, and it is repeated many and many, until it affected thousands of Gazans, and every day you see a destroyed house, or a human gathering in a market, or in a mosque, or in a hospital, or in a school, or in a camp, it is enough to remain in you a remnant of your humanity, to suffer, and to realize the ugliness of what these criminal tyrants do to such crimes that they commit every day, this in itself is enough to have a position.

In the face of these crimes, some people say what do we do?, we can not do anything!, because some have in their mind only the issue that they do not have missiles and tanks, and things like these to fight with!.

Who says what do we do? This alone indicates that we need to know the many facts about what the Jews and the parents of the Jews and their lackeys do, the martyr leader (may Allah be pleased with him) says: (Who says: [What do we do?]. We say to him: The field of work in front of you is open to everyone, what is required is to move not to wonder, the field of work is enough for you to work with all your abilities and with all your energies, whatever they are, so how do you wonder [what do we do?] as if there is nothing we can do).

Make yourself a moving actor in mobilizing the Ummah Jihadi mobilization in all tracks, moving honestly with God, and strong trust in God, within the framework of the two weights of the Book of God and the family of the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers be upon him and his family).

Don’t justify yourself sitting down, what do we do? The martyr leader, may God be pleased with him, says: (The fields of work are open, expanding to include all your energies, your moral energies and your material energies, but try to change yourself until you become an active human being capable of changing the psychology of the entire society for the better, towards the fittest, towards pride, towards honor, towards the guidance of God, towards the path of paradise, the way of God Almighty).

Change the psychology of your society to make it a rebel not rigid, move it in marches and demonstrations, move it in rehabilitation and training within the general mobilization forces, make men cry in the face of global arrogance, and if you are in a society like Saudi or Emirati society or your government muzzles mouths, at least move your society in supporting jihad and resistance movements with money, move it if you close the doors in your face even in the boycott of American and Israeli goods.


source almasirah website