
The Guardian: Yemen’s Children Are Hungry Due to Saudis Preventing Aid Entry




The British newspaper, The Guardian, published a report entitled “Yemen’s children are hungry because aid is denied entry.”

“A 9-year-old Yemeni boy lying painfully on a bed in a hospital in the eastern city of Hodeidah in Yemen looked very skinny, similar to a skeleton,” the author of the report said.

“More than 460,000 children in Yemen suffer from acute malnutrition,” she says.

“About 7 million people in Yemen are on the verge of famine, in addition to the spread of cholera after the Saudi-led coalition forces launched air strikes on the country.”

“Only 45 percent of Yemeni hospitals are still operating, most of them closed because of fighting, lack of medical supplies, or targeting by the coalition aircraft,” she said.

“The Al-Thawra Hospital, where Abdul Aziz lives, treats about 2,500 patients a day compared to 700 before the conflict began in March 2015,” she said.

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