
Thousands of Yemenis protest recognition of Al-Quds as Israel’s capital




The Yemeni capital Sana’a witnessed Friday a mass popular demonstration in rejection of the American decision and in solidarity with Al-Quds.

Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, was crowded with hundreds of thousands of Yemenis who came out responding to the invitation of the leader of AnsarAllah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, chanting against the attempt of obliterating the Arab and Islamic identity of Al-Quds.

The mass event emphasized the presence of the Palestinian cause at the public’s awareness of the Yemeni people, who have been suffering from war and siege due to its Arab and Islamic position towards the issue of Al-Quds and Palestine.

During the event, the Supreme Revolutionary Chairman, Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, called on the Arab and Islamic masses to act and demonstrate in front of American embassies in their countries so that America would understand the danger of harming the sanctity of the Muslim peoples.

He also called on the Palestinian President Abu Mazin to take advantage of the opportunity and withdraw from the unjust agreements against the Palestinian people, which were not implemented on the ground and did increase the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Furthermore, the statement released by the massive protest rejected the American decision to turn the city of Al-Quds into the capital of Israel…. stressing that the Palestinian issue is the central and fundamental issue of the Arab and the Islamic nation, especially the Yemeni people.

The statement also called on the people of the world, particularly the Arab and Islamic nations, to take serious actions and put an end to the Zionist and American violations of the Islamic sanctities, and to stand with the Palestinian people who are subjected to attacks and genocide amid the silence and of the Arab regimes that actually took part in the American and Zionist breach.

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