
Fast friends: Israel invites Saudi crown prince to visit




Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz has invited Saudi crown prince and strongman Muhammad bin Salman to come visit them, and become the new official mediator in future peace talks between the Israeli regime and Palestine.

The news was confirmed as the minister’s spokesman told independent newspaper Elaph that Katz had indeed done an official interview in the Saudi kingdom’s state media, during which he issued the official invitation.

“I recommend that Saudi Arabia, as the leader of the Arab world, take the initiative upon itself and come to the Palestinians and offer its sponsorship. In such a situation of Saudi leadership, I’m ready to have negotiations. I’m calling on King Salman to invite Netanyahu for a visit and on the Saudi crown prince to come here for a visit in Israel” the Katz was quoted by Saudi media.

According to Katz, such a meeting would “bolster regional peace” as well as “boost security and economic cooperation”.

Reports of increasing cooperation between the regimes in Riyadh and Tel Aviv have been surfacing for months now, despite the fact that Saudi Arabia officially does not recognize Israel. In November, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz revealed that Tel Aviv has had covert contacts with Saudi Arabia. It is widely suspected that one of the main factors that binds the two regimes together is a mutual fear and distrust of Iran.

Additionally, Katz claimed that “[The Saudis can] lead processes and make decisions for the region — as well as for the Palestinians.” and added that he believes the Palestinians “are weak and unable to make decisions.

Yisrael Katz is known as a hardline and extremist Zionist within the Israeli regime, and has in the past called for “targeted civil eliminations” of members and leaders of the peaceful Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement. He has also recently called for bombing Lebanon “back to the stone age” if the country were to engage in joint military development programmes with Iran.

Source: websites

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