
Dozens of citizens killed, wounded in Saudi airstrikes on Arhab




Dozens of citizens were killed or injured on Saturday due to airstrikes conducted by the Saudi-led coalition on a protest vigil held in Arhab district of Sana’a governorate.

Director-General of Arhab district Nosair al-Habbari stated that four airstrikes struck the solidarity vigil, which was held in solidarity with the Palestinian people and on the occasion of 1000 days of resistance against Saudi-led war on Yemen, killing four citizens in a primary toll and wounding 20 others.

The death toll is expected to raise due to serious injuries, al-Habbar added, noting that this atrocious massacre is added to the criminal record of the Saudi-led coalition.

Moreover, he stressed that this crime will not prevent the tribes of Arhab from facing the Saudi-led war and supplying the fronts with men and money.

In addition, the media crew of Yemen Channel and other TV channels who were covering the vigil shockingly survived, Media Director in the province Salim al-Ward said.