
Here is who condemns Saudi bombing of Sana’a residential areas



The Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, confessed to committing the crime on the residential neighborhood in the capital Sana’a, on Thursday, which killed and injured 77 civilians.

The spokesman of the coalition, Turki Al-Maliki, said that “one of the raids carried out in Sana’a may have resulted in an accident. The assessment team will consider the possibility of accidental bombing. He add that this consideration is “based on what was revealed by comprehensive review and operational scrutiny, as well as what has been clarified by the perpetrators of the possibility of civilian casualties.” The Aggression claimed targeting camps and weapons storage.

Ministry of Human Rights said that the coalition’s crime against civilians and its direct attacks on residential areas are war crimes that require international criminal prosecution for all those involved. In a statement, the Ministry puts on the aggression, the legal and criminal, responsibility for this crime, including all those who participated in it with arms or justification.

“We do not exempt the United Nations and its concerned bodies from responsibility, which gave up its functions and took no steps to stop the aggression and lift the siege,” the Ministry added.

It called upon the free and honorable people and local and international organizations to condemn, document and report the coalition’s crimes on the widest possible scale in order to expose the barbarity and criminality of the coalition.

The Political Bureau of Ansarullah condemned the brutal crime committed by the coalition. “The aggression’s targeting of the Ministry of Information and the head of the Yemeni Media Union is a flagrant violation of the media institution and a miserable attempt to silence the voice that rejects the aggression,” the office said in a statement.

The statement considered the crimes of the coalition as an evidence of their failure and lack of goals to be achieved. They see in causing more killing, destruction and siege of the Yemeni people away to compensate for that failure.

Dozens of civilians killed , wounded in Saudi strikes on Yemen’s capital in May 2019

Islamic Radios and Televisions Union (IRTU) condemned the attack launched by the coalition against the head of the Yemeni Media Union, Abdullah Al-Sabri, a tenant in the targeted area in the capital Sana’a, al-Rebat Street.

Under-Secretary-General ofthe Union, Sheikh Nasser Al-Akhdar,  pointed out that targeting Al-Sabri is indicative of the inability of the coalition to face the great influence exerted by the Yemeni media in the arena of war and confrontation.

Eye of Humanity Center for Rights and Development expressed its deep condemnation of the sinful crime carried out by the coalition’s airstrike, which targeted a residential neighborhood in the capital Sana’a.

“Targeting civilians and direct attacks on residential areas is a war crime that requires international criminal prosecution,” the Center said in a statement.

Dozens of civilians killed , wounded in Saudi strikes on Yemen’s capital

Yemeni Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) condemned the crime committed by the coalition.In a statement obtained by Almasirah Net, the Joint Parties said aggression crime is a result of the bankruptcy, confusion, randomness and ethical lapses experienced by the forces of the coalition, led by the Saudi regime, after it has collapsed by the strikes of the Yemeni army forces.

In March 2015, the US -backed –Saudi-led coalition started  a war against Yemen with the declared aim of crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, who had taken over from the staunch Riyadh ally and fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, while also seeking to secure the Saudi border with its southern neighbor. Three years and over 600,000 dead and injured Yemeni people and  prevented the patients from travelling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country, the war has yielded little to that effect.

Despite the coalition claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi bombers are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

However, Saudi Arabia relies heavily on the US in its brutal war on Yemen. Washington has deployed a commando force on the Arab kingdom’s border with Yemen to help destroy arms belonging to Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement. Washington has also provided logistical support and aerial refueling.

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