
Yemeni Ministry of Finance condemns the coalition’s targeting of the economic establishment in Yemen




The Ministry of Finance and its affiliated services organized a protest against the crimes of the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, against the Yemeni people, the latest of which is the crime of targeting the neighborhood of Al-Rakas in the capital Sana’a, which killed dozens and targeted the Maytam customs center in Ibb.

At the protest, which was attended by officials of the Ministry of Finance , tax , customs, traders and businessmen, the participants condemned the crimes of the coalition and targeting the customs center of the orphanage last August, which did not stop even during the holy month of Ramadan.

Yemeni Ministry of Finance condemns the coalition’s targeting of the economic establishment in Yemen

They held the United Nations fully responsible for the safety of customs officials, government agencies working in the center and assistive workers, as well as the safety of drivers. They considered the attack was not the first, whereas the attack had targeted the Dhamar Control Office, which was condemned by the United Nations at the time and in its official reports revealed it. They also demanded that the United Nations take responsibility for the lack of flow of goods, basic foodstuffs and medicines to the local market as a result of the damage of goods being targeted by the coalition in the offices and customs centers.

A statement was given on behalf of the Ministry of Finance officials that confirmed that the persistence of the coalition in targeting innocent people is the result of international and international silence. It called on the free people of the world to work to put an end to this aggression targeting mainly Yemeni people. In addition, a speech was given on behalf of the employees of the tax and customs departments condemning the crimes committed by the coalition with the support of the global arrogance forces, the last targeting the neighborhood of Rqas and targeting the Maytam customs center in Ibb.

Yemeni Ministry of Finance condemns the coalition’s targeting of the economic establishment in Yemen

After the protest, a consultative meeting was held by the Customs Department with the private sector to discuss the effects and consequences of targeting offices and customs centers. In the meeting, Minister of Finance Dr. Rashid Abu Aboud stressed the importance of continuous meetings between the commercial sector and the relevant authorities, represented by the Ministry of Finance, the Customs and Tax Authority, and other relevant authorities in the country to discuss the effects of the repeated targeting by the coalition against this vital sector ) and the impact of the targeting of customs centers and ports on the national economy in general.

The Minister of Finance pointed out that the Ministry of Finance and its interests is a civil sector and it is a symbol of the state’s civilization and it serves the citizen mainly. He held the coalition full responsibility for the repeated targeting of the customs centers, which leads to significant human and material losses, pointing out that the coalition is targeting these centers as part of its economic war on Yemen, and adding that these attacks come with premeditation and surveillance, despite informing the United Nations in advance of the coordinates of all the customs centers in order not to target them.

Yemeni Ministry of Finance condemns the coalition’s targeting of the economic establishment in Yemen

Customs centers are considered the first line of protection of citizens through the examination of goods and prevent the entry of what is corrupt and know the extent of conformity with specifications and standards. For his part, Head of the Customs Authority Salim al-Hadrami pointed out that the continued attacks on customs centers included all infrastructure in most of the provinces, as well as causing heavy losses to the private sector, pointing out that the countries of the coalition not only imposed the economic blockade but supplemented by the systematic war on all customs interests

In March 2015, the US -backed –Saudi-led coalition started  a war against Yemen with the declared aim of crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, who had taken over from the staunch Riyadh ally and fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, while also seeking to secure the Saudi border with its southern neighbor. Three years and over 600,000 dead and injured Yemeni people and  prevented the patients from travelling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country, the war has yielded little to that effect.

Despite the coalition claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi bombers are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

However, Saudi Arabia relies heavily on the US in its brutal war on Yemen. Washington has deployed a commando force on the Arab kingdom’s border with Yemen to help destroy arms belonging to Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement. Washington has also provided logistical support and aerial refueling.