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How deep are the Israel-Saudi ties?

YemenExtra SH.A. By Mona Zaid The answer may lie in the broader context of the crown prince's grand scheme, he wants to bring about dramatic change in Saudi Arabia. But if you read the Atlantic interview, to say he is a man with a…

‘Every War Is a War Against Children’

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Kathy Kelly At 9:30 in the morning of March 26, the start of the fifth year of the Saudi-led coalition war against Yemen, the entrance to a rural hospital in the northwest part of the country was…

Premeditated Saudi Crimes in Yemen

YemenExtra By: Ismail al-Mahaqri Translated by: Shefa'a Abdullah In the history of wars throughout the ages, no party has ever recognized or admitted of doing a crime, whether it was committed deliberately or by mistake ,…

End U.S. Support for the Abominable War on Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: DANIEL LARISON A new report from the Yemeni human rights group Mwatana and the University Network for Human Rights details the use of U.S. and U.K.-made weapons in Saudi coalition attacks on civilian targets over the…