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It’s on Us to Stop the War in Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Olivia Alperstein American taxpayers are helping to fight someone else’s war in Yemen, and the blood is on our hands.We’re helping fight someone else’s war in Yemen — and the blood is on our hands.…

The Victims in Douma, Gaza and Yemen

YemenExtra By:  David William Pear   In their book Manufacturing Consent Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky distinguished between two kinds of victims: the worthy victims and the unworthy victims. The "worthy victims" are the…

Will the Next Superbug Come From Yemen?

By Sam Loewenberg It was two days after the young Yemeni man was released from surgery that the doctors first noticed the smell. The bullet that wounded the leg of the 22-year-old college student had shattered bone and torn a hole in the…

There are too many lost childhoods in Yemen

YemenExtra Y.A By : Huwaida AL-Yousefi They spill out into the streets early in the morning; they have small bodies, pale faces and bold features. You might think that they are on their way to school, but a closer look reveals that…

It Is Time to End the Tragedy War On Yemen

YemenExtra By: Wadeea Al-absi The time has come to face the truth, to admit that war can’t lead to peace and the conflict could be resolved only through negotiations; three years of devastating warfare proved so, nothing but…

Stop the Genocide in Yemen

YemenExtra SH.A. By: Sami Mohammed with a team to the UN Escalating war in Yemen is making a dire humanitarian situation worse. We must do all we can to push for a permanent and immediate ceasefire. Before the current war, Yemen…