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CNN: US Passes Phone Number in Case Iran Wants to Call

YemenExtra M.A. The White House has contacted Swiss authorities to share a telephone number with Iran in hopes that Tehran will contact US President Donald Trump, CNN reports. The White House contacted the Swiss on Thursday, the…

US approves $6 billion in arms sales to kill more Yemenis

YemenExtra Y.A The US State Department approved weapons sales to Bahrain and the UAE worth almost $6 billion amid growing concerns over Washington's arms flow to kill Yemenis. The Pentagon said on Friday that it had notified…

Yemeni ,US officials dispute over the Yemeni issue

YemenExtra Y.A Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohamed Ali Al-Houthi, described US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's statement on peace in Yemen as "misleading", dismissing any encroachment on the Stockholm Agreement and its…

US harms Yemenis: American outlets

YemenExtra Y.A The conflict is raging between the paid fighters of the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, paid fighters in Taiz and the occupied southern provinces. Saudi Arabia and the UAE objectives in the occupied provinces are…

Iran defense Minister in Moscow: Trumpism Threatening World

YemenExtra M.A. Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami says US President Donald Trump is endangering global security by violating international rules and humanitarian principles. He made the remarks on Tuesday upon…