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A Saudi Coalition Attack on Hodeidah Would Be Disastrous

YemenExtra By: DANIEL LARISON Reuters reports that Saudi coalition forces are massing for an assault on the port city of Hodeidah: It was unclear if Saudi Arabia’s Western allies, which have come under increasing scrutiny for arms…

Saudi Arabia used chemical weapons in Yemen

YemenExtra By: Jonas E. Alexis “In his own meeting with bin Salman in Washington, President Trump boasted about $12.5 billion in finalized sales of American weapons to Saudi Arabia. In May 2017, he chose Saudi Arabia for his…

NEO – After Syria, Russia ups the ante in Yemen too

We are years into the Yemen War, and neither the Saudis, nor the US, nor any independent parties have revealed to us how Iran is shipping arms into Yemen while it is under a full blockade, where even critical medicines and fuel cannot get…

Trump Is Backing Saudi Arabia’s Atrocious War In Yemen

YemenExtra By Theodore Shoebat For years, the American military has sought to distance itself from a brutal civil war in Yemen, where Saudi-led forces are battling rebels who pose no direct threat to the United States. But…

The U.S. Must End Its Support for the War on Yemen

YemenExtra By: DANIEL LARISON U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen is more extensive than the administration has admitted: But late last year, a team of about a dozen Green Berets arrived on Saudi Arabia’s border with…

A Saudi Assassination and the War on Yemen

YemenExtra By: Daniel Larison  Nicholas Niarchos comments on the recent assassination of a top Houthi leader by a Saudi coalition airstrike: On Twitter, members of the Saudi royal family celebrated Sammad’s killing and touted it as…