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Yemeni Joint Forces Respond in Taiz

 YemenExtra Y.A According to the Yemeni war media, The Yemeni joint forces shelled military gatherings and vehicles of the paid fighters in Thubab district , as well as the artillery targeted gatherings of the paid…

July 14, 2017 The al-Aqasa Wake-Up Call

By Abdel Bari Atwan The three young men from the Jabareen family of Umm al-Fahem who carried out Friday’s attack in Jerusalem sent a wake-up call to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its president Mahmoud Abbas. He hasted to…

What the brain’s wiring looks like?

The world's most detailed scan of the brain's internal wiring has been produced by scientists at Cardiff University. The MRI machine reveals the fibres which carry all the brain's thought processes. It's been done in Cardiff,…