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Iraqi Army Frees “Daesh” –Held Neighborhoods in Mosul

YemenExtra Y.A After a brief cavity to empty civilians through humanitarian porches, the Iraqi Armed Forces continued their counter-insurgency operations in the last three "Daesh"-held neighborhoods of Mosul city. On Saturday, the…

Saudi uphold a death sentence for a disabled man

YemenExtra The rights group said Sunday  Saudi Arabia has upheld a death sentence for a disabled man, arrested in 2012 on suspicion of taking part in protests and then tortured until he signed a false confession. According…

Syrian Army storms Daesh insurgents in eastern Hama

YemenExtra M.A. On Saturday, a small Daesh convoy came under fire from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) while traveling from rural Hama towards Raqqa province, likely to defend Daesh capital from advancing Kurdish forces. Upon observing the…